Grand Opening of ‘The Barn’

On Saturday, May 21 we celebrated the GRAND OPENING of ‘The Barn’ and ‘John’s Archery’ indoor shooting facility.

Bookable seven days a week, there is plenty of room to let the arrows fly and come out for archery lessons.
We had a great afternoon and of course, some ‘future’ archers were already spotted.

Read more by clicking the link below:

Thanks to everyone who found their way out to ‘The Barn’ on a beautiful Saturday afternoon to join Barn Archers and John’s Archery.

Thanks for all the emails…

Thanks for the flowers, congratulations…

Thanks for an extraordinary cake…OMG, no one liked to go first to cut this fantastic piece of art. The straw balls, quiver, arrows, coins, animal, and target….. So beautiful!

Thanks again to Janice for an outstanding job….and I have to confess at the end of the day the cake was cut and gone…Delicious.

And of course, a big Thanks to the team of ‘The Barn’ for all their help, passion and love they put into this project.

Together we can do more!

2022 Nova Scotia 3-D Indoor Championships

John’s Archery on the road…

The ANS Indoor Provincial Championships were hosted by the Northumberland Strait Shooters and took place at the WM Sobey Indoor Sports Complex in Stellarton.

It was a one-day event (3D) by shooting two rounds of 20 targets, two arrows per target without a break. It was a challenge and of course as always a lot of fun.

50 archers attended the shoot. 16 traditional and 34 compound shooters.

The event was well organized and the setup was incredible. Big thanks to everyone.

Left to right: John Cann, Shauntelle Mombourquette, Joe McGillivary, Karen Cann and Ray Murdoch
Congratulations to everyone!

ANS Shoot Schedule Update Jan 18, 2022

Please see the attached updated shoot schedule. 
Due to event cancellations and conflicts, some schedule changes have been made. Notable schedule changes include:
Bruce Scott Memorial Provincial Championships – Indoor 3D Now scheduled for March 5th Hosted by Northumberland Strait Shooters at the Sobeys Complex Stellarton Detailed information will be made available closer to the date.

Bruce Scott Memorial Provincial Championships – Indoor Target Now scheduled for March 6th Hosted by Osprey Archery Club Detailed information will be made available closer to the date

Indoor Atlantics Scheduled for March 26th and 27th Hosted by Archery New Brunswick, venue in Moncton, NB

Thank you John…

Clifford Paul is with Trennan Paul and 2 others.

Trennan Paul – your new arrows have been customized and built for you. Arrived today.
No more little kid’s arrows for you now that you’ve outgrown the last set.
Leather shooting gloves and belt quivers as well for you and Skyla Belles.
Easton Legacy 700’s Carbon Arrows. Bearpaw Products Archery Classic Gloves.

Thank you John Cann for your quality work.

Phil’s Archery Shop in new Hands

As some or most of you know, I have purchased Phil Nelson ‘Phil’s Archery Shop’ complete inventory.
With this inventory I will have the ability to expand my services and product list.
Those of you who know Phil, will also know that he will be there for me as a guiding hand and a mentor.

I look forward to serving you!



The second BTA ‘Fall Classics’ tournament on Cape Breton Island took place on Sunday, September 19, 2021.
40 archers were registered. 30 archers showed up, 29 were competing at the event.

The weather didn’t look good. The pouring rain the night before the event caused the outdoor tents to collapse. Repairs had to be done in the morning of the tournament, which was mastered excellently.
By the time the registration was done and the groups were all put together: it was still raining.
No worries – as we Cape Bretoners say: If you don’t like the weather – wait 15 minutes 🙂
And off we go, into the woods….

Two courses were set up with 20 targets each. One course had to be done in the morning, the other one in the afternoon. And guess what happened? At approx. target number 5, the rain stopped for the rest of the day. Thanks again to the CBI weather dynamic.

During the lunch break, the shooters could prove their skills by shooting through an opening on a moving target. All participants had a lot of fun and laughter. The winner after the shoot-off was John Cann.
See one of the shooters, Ian MacKinnon, in action here.

Mostly all of the BTA members were participating in the event, eight of the members won a medal.

Some had to drive for more than 8 hours, some didn’t know what to expect or started archery just a few weeks ago and again: the weather didn’t cooperate the night before and in the morning. Well done!

Please find below the results of the Fall Classics 2021.


Trudy Dryden introduced the

To promote traditional archery, the traditional archery community in the Maritime Provinces has introduced the Maritime Traditional Archery Cup.
In order to qualify, starting in 2021 a traditional archer must shoot 3 days if there are 5 days of shooting and 4 days if there are more than 5 days of shooting of any traditional only archery tournaments in the Maritime Provinces.
The highest combined score of any 3 or 4 days of tournaments in each of the adult divisions of recurve, longbow and primitive (female and male) will be declared the winners and those names will be engraved on the trophy. If an archer shoots all the tournaments, then he/she will submit his/her best-combined score of any 3 or 4 days of tournaments.
 In memory, the traditional archers who have passed away and who have shot at the traditional only tournaments in the Maritime Provinces will be engraved on the trophy.

The winners in 2021 are:
Female Recurve: Trudy Dryden;
Male Recurve: John Cann; Male Longbow: David Legacy


TAANS 2021 in Parrsboro

TAANS has partnered with Down by the Bay Traditional Archery Club in Parrsboro NS for
a two-day shoot on August 14 and Aug 15.

… on the road again.

Two different courses awaited us to shoot. Two rounds (40 targets, 2 arrows, 2 days) makes 160 arrows.
Due to the weather (beautiful summer over 30 degrees celsius) the Saturday shoot was a challenge for all of the participants. Water was the most important thing to have which was provided by the DBTB team.

On Saturday afternoon there was a Fun Shoot prior to a Potluck supper also provided by the DBTB team for anyone that would like to join in on the feast. All needed to bring was a hungry belly and a chair to sit on.  It was so delicious.

Back to the Fun Shoot – the legendary milk jug shoot.

Milk Jug Fun Shoot 🙂

Among the top ten in their respective groups were:

Female: Marlene Gavel 3rd place;
Bridget Benz 4th place;
Shauntelle Mombourquette 6th place;
Male: John Cann 3rd place;
Joe McGilivary 4th place.
Volunteer of the day: Karen Cann

A BIG THANK YOU to the team of DBTB!

Please find below the results of the TAANS shoot. Click the download button below to download the results.

2021 Nova Scotia 3-D Outdoor Championships

Left to right: JoeMcGillivary, Bridget Benz, John D Cann, Karen Cann, Shauntelle Mombourquette.

The provincial championships this year were hosted by the Glooscap Heritage Archers Association in Windsor NS.

Gloosecap, already known for its famous Frozen Finger Shoot, why not go to the provincials?

No sooner said than done. The weather was gorgeous.

It was a one-day event by shooting two rounds of 20 targets but only one arrow per target. It was a challenge and a lot of fun.

Congratulation to JoeMcGillivary, Bridget Benz, John D Cann and Shauntelle Mombourquette