

Trudy Dryden introduced the

To promote traditional archery, the traditional archery community in the Maritime Provinces has introduced the Maritime Traditional Archery Cup.
In order to qualify, starting in 2021 a traditional archer must shoot 3 days if there are 5 days of shooting and 4 days if there are more than 5 days of shooting of any traditional only archery tournaments in the Maritime Provinces.
The highest combined score of any 3 or 4 days of tournaments in each of the adult divisions of recurve, longbow and primitive (female and male) will be declared the winners and those names will be engraved on the trophy. If an archer shoots all the tournaments, then he/she will submit his/her best-combined score of any 3 or 4 days of tournaments.
 In memory, the traditional archers who have passed away and who have shot at the traditional only tournaments in the Maritime Provinces will be engraved on the trophy.

The winners in 2021 are:
Female Recurve: Trudy Dryden;
Male Recurve: John Cann; Male Longbow: David Legacy


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